We learned its easier to pay for things this way
Kelsey and I both wanted a lifestyle and things that we could not afford in Creston.
Living beyond our means
We really love Ankeny. The schools are great and we are in close proximity to many more potential victims outside of Creston. Here's the first house we rented on Northwest 5th Street. We moved out and stiffed the landlord a month of rent when more than one person showed up at our door asking for money back. We even conned our old neighbors thinking we were upstanding citizens. I mostly played video games instead of doing any real work.
Kelsey's Terrain
This is the vehicle we got after getting our largest score of $70,000 from a single mother of two in Humboldt. We used that money to get this Terrain parked on the street. I took a loan from the business for the down payment on the Terrain. Then I borrowed the rest. Kelsey's mom, Jennifer Goodson, works at First National Bank so she's familiar with financial rules. Here we are moving out of the rental house on NW 5th Street.
Kelsey's Education
After we moved a couple times around Ankeny to avoid repaying anyone and failing to inform the AG's office of our change of address, Kelsey was able to go to DMACC for the Surgical Tech program.
Vacations and Hobbies
Kelsey got a DUI, we've been to Colorado on vacation and I enjoy playing in a billiards league in Creston. We love doing anything but pay people back.